Annual Car Glow

May 8, 2025

7:00pm - 10:00pm

Downtown District - O'Fallon, IL


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Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025

Public Hours

7:00PM - 10:00PM

CAR ARRIVAL: (No cars will be allowed into the site before 6:00PM)

Location: 1st Street Downtown O'Fallon, IL (between Lincoln and Cherry)

Entry Fee:

$35.00 per parking space + one glow item

Early bird registration through APRIL 19th includes event package: event t-shirt, glow cup, $2 drink coupon

Register between April 19th and May 1st, same price with no event package (space + glow item only) -- subject to availability



We will begin allowing vehicles into the site at approximately 6:00pm.

→ Car #s 1 - 20 enter and check in on Cherry Street side by Peel

→ Car #s 21 - 59 enter and check in on Lincoln Ave side


o Brightest Car Display in honor of Glow For Hope

Glow for Hope will provide you with a single glow item to be displayed on or in your vehicle. It must be visible to the public eye in order to incorporate our theme of the night -- this is a car glow. To that end, we encourage you to glow up your space and your car to your heart's content! We'll award the brightest car display as determined by our judges. Get creative, go wild!!


10:15P (approximate). Once all patrons are safely out of the area, Car Glow load out will begin. All cars will be directed by event personnel as to how to safely exit the facility. Please follow the rules and be patient.

You will check in while in your vehicle. Please have your Car Registration Ticket and a photo ID available for our attendants at Check In. Once you are checked in, you will be given your display tag and your free T-shirt (T-shirts are only for those that purchased the Early Bird tickets). Additional Car Glow T-shirts will be available for purchase inside the site.

Once you are checked in, you will be directed to a parking spot. ALL DISPLAY PARKING SPOTS ARE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS AND WILL BE SOLELY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE EVENT PARKING STAFF ON SITE. Each display vehicle will be allocated ONE (1) parking space the size of a traditional parking lot space. Please help us out and only utilize the space within your designated spot, especially if you want to open doors, etc. Be kind to your neighbors, as well. If you wish to have a spot to sit next to your vehicle this must be in front of your parking space. If you have any tent structure, it must be placed in front of your parking space and cannot be larger than 10ft x 10ft.

Please note that due to space restrictions we will NOT be allowing any trailers or towed vehicles into the site. You must drive your display vehicle into the site. If you have a trailer or towing vehicle, you will need to unload your display vehicle prior to lining up to check in.

EXTERIOR PARKING – If you need parking for trailers, towing vehicles or guest vehicles, we recommend finding parking on the outer perimeter of the downtown streets, or parking lots.


The event runs until 10:00pm.

No vehicles will be allowed to move positions or leave the grounds until the conclusion of the event and event organizers deem it safe to remove vehicles.

Please plan on approximately 15- 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event.


Glow For Hope, 1st Street, and Peel Brewing Co, their employees and event volunteers are not responsible for items lost or stolen.


No controversial or offensive merchandise may be displayed; displays cannot promote any illegal substance.

No merchandise may be sold.

Please note all Glow For Hope events are non-cancellable, rain or shine.

See you all on Thursday, May 8th!

For questions or to speak with someone about arranging a fundraiser in connection with Glow For Hope, call (618) 624-3080 or CLICK HERE .

Copyright © 2023 All right reserved by Glow For Hope NFP. Site design by Another 8 Hours, Inc.

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